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  • Sumit Mishra

    Sumit Mishra is a harmonium artist from Banaras, India. He comes from a family of musicians, Mishra is the son of Pandit Sohan Lal Mishra, nephew of Pandit Mohan Lal Mishra and grandson of Pandit Bundi Maharaj. He trained under the guidance of his father and uncle, and presently continues his training under Pandit Ramnarayan.

  • Sunanda Sharma

    Sunanda Sharma is a vocalist from Himachal Pradesh, India. She trained under the guidance of her father, Pandit Sudarshan Sharma. She specialises in Khayal, Tappa, Thumri, Dadra and Chaiti. Sharma is presently a visiting teacher at SOAS University and the Royal Academy of Music since 2000.

  • Supriya Das

    Born in 1990, Supriya Das is a classical vocalist who was introduced to music from a very early age. Trained under Pandit Ramkanai Das till he passed away recently, Supriya later become a disciple of FM Rezwan Ali and received a brief training from Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar under a Bengal Foundation scholarship. She is a regular Radio Bangladesh Grade A artist in both classical and Nazrul Sangeet; and has performed in many important programmes, including 5th Annual Classical Music Conference of Lakshyapar and the Bengal Classical Music Festival 2014. Currently a MBA student at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Supriya aspires to spend her life learning and propagating classical music.

  • Supriya Das

    Supriya Das is a classical vocalist from Bangladesh, an exponent of Khayal. She began her training under her mother, Sujata Paul, and later trained under Pandit Ramkanai Das and Rezwan Ali. She is presently a student of Bengal Parampara Sangeetalay, under the guidance of Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar. Born in 1990, Supriya Das is a classical vocalist who was introduced to music from a very early age. Trained under Pandit Ramkanai Das till he passed away recently, Supriya later become a disciple of FM Rezwan Ali and received a brief training from Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar under a Bengal Foundation scholarship. She is a regular Radio Bangladesh Grade A artist in both classical and Nazrul Sangeet; and has performed in many important programmes, including 5th Annual Classical Music Conference of Lakshyapar and the Bengal Classical Music Festival 2014. Currently a MBA student at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Supriya aspires to spend her life learning and propagating classical music.

  • Suresh Talwalkar

    Suresh Talwalkar is a renowned Indian tabla artist. He studied the rhythm theory of Carnatic music and Hindustani Classical singing. He began his training under the guidance of his father, Dattatrey Talwalkar, and continued his musical education from Pandit Pandharinath Nageshkar, Pandit Vinayakrao Ghangrekar and Pandit Ramnad Ishwaran. Talwalkar’s style draws from several gharanas and he has been known to accompany numerous distinguished musicians - he frequently performed with sarangi artist Pandit Ram Narayan since the late 1960s, and has accompanied classical singer Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar on many occasions. He performed at numerous prestigious shows in India and around the world. Talwalkar is the recipient of numerous awards including the Padma Shri, Pandit Vishnu Digambar Paluskar, All India Radio Award, and the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award, to name a few. He is also a Guru at the Bengal Parampara Sangeetalay in Dhaka.

  • Swapan Chaudhuri

    Maestro Swapan Chaudhuri is considered one of the greatest tabla virtuosos of our time. Swapan took lessons from his guru, the legendary Acharya Santosh Krishna Biswas of Lucknow, from the age of five, in Kolkata. It was his early development as an accompanist to the great sarod maestro Ustad Ali Akbar Khan that led him to become the accompanist of choice for India’s greatest classical artists such as Pandit Ravi Shankar, Ustad Vilayat Khan, the Late Pandit Nikhil Banerjee, Ustad Amir Khan and others. Swapan Chaudhuri received the Bharat Ke Sangeet Ratna Award in 2011 and the prestigious Sangeet Natak Academy Award in 1997 from the Government of India. Internationally, he is the recipient of the American Academy of Artists Award and is nominee to Percussive Arts Society Hall of Fame, distinctions reserved for only those musicians who have attained the highest level of artistry. As the current Director of Percussion at the Ali Akbar college of Music, Swapan is associated with many American and European Universities as a visiting professor, and maintains a rigorous touring, teaching and recording schedule throughout the year.

  • Swarup Hossain

    The youngest grandson of Ustad Mozammel Hossain, Swarup Hossain received his initial training in tabla from his father Ustad Rabiul Hossain, a distinguished vocalist, before moving on to train under Pandit Sudhir Kumar Saxena of Ajrara. He is currently a disciple of Pandit Subhankar Banarjee. Hossain studied in Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India, on an ICCR scholarship and was also awarded the Bengal Foundation Scholarship during the same year. He has received high praise from audiences for his many performances in Mumbai, Aurangabad, Ahmedabad and Hariana as both a soloist and an accompanist. Hossain is currently a teacher in the Department of Music at the University of Dhaka.

  • Tamanna Rahman

    Tamanna Rahman was initiated into the world of Manipuri dance by Shanti Bala Sinha in Dhaka. To receive advance training in the dance form she went to Kolkata and Mumbai where she took lessons from Guru Kalavati Devi, Darshana Jhaveri and guru Bipin Singh. She earned the title Nartan Visharad from Manipuri Nartanalaya at Kolkata. An ICCR Scholar, she holds a post graduate degree in Music, with a specialization in Manipuri dance from Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. In University, she received the Guru Maisnam Amubi Singh Prize for excellence in Manipuri Dance. She has travelled to many parts of the world and performed in many prestigious dance festivals. Tamanna has been teaching Manipuri dance at Chayanaut for many years. She is a graduate architect from BUET, Dhaka.

  • Tanmay Deochake

    Tanmay Deochake is a harmonium artist from India. He received his initial training from his grandfather Gopalrao Deochake and later from Pramod Marathe. Currently, Deochake is undergoing training under Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar and Pandit Suresh Talwalkar.